Hello Nant,
It seams like the tab is already shown for user which have an subscribtion, but not for new registered user. If you login in frontend with the admin account for example, you can see the tab as normal.
One reason could be, that I played a little bit with the conditions (CB Subs backend => Plan => Workflows => Conditions).
With that I tried to make that a member of the plan “SQ-Teammitglieder” can’t subscribe to the plan “Simple-Quality-Supporter”.
But after I get the Problems with the lifetime and so on, I disabled the conditions in backend.
Maybe here is something gone wrong.
About the expanded tabs:
Yes - it's a hack. I have that since a lot of years... In my opinion it looks like better as the nested tabs.
But that couldn't be the reason - it's just CSS and this few lines of code:
// expandhack start
function ExpandOpen(lunchID){document.getElementById('cb_tabbodyid_'+lunchID).style.display="block";document.getElementById('cb_tabtitle_'+lunchID).innerHTML="<a href=\"javascript:ExpandClose('"+lunchID+"');\"><img src=\"/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/webfx/images/minus.gif\"></a>";}
function ExpandClose(lunchID){document.getElementById('cb_tabbodyid_'+lunchID).style.display="none";document.getElementById('cb_tabtitle_'+lunchID).innerHTML="<a href=\"javascript:ExpandOpen('"+lunchID+"');\"><img src=\"/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/webfx/images/plus.gif\"></a>";}
// expandhack end
Neverless I have changed it now to a normal hack (div) but with the same result.
Thanks for your help.