Please understand we can't keep providing you with custom queries; this is outside the scope of support. If you should need any further queries please contact a developer that is experienced with SQL to write them for you. The queries as follows will output the results you're wanting.
Positive Value Returned:
SELECT ( IF( `cb_field` = 1, 185, IF( ( 98 * `cb_field` ) > `cb_maxsubs`, `cb_maxsubs`, ( 98 * `cb_field` ) ) ) ) FROM `#__comprofiler` WHERE `id` = '[user_id]'
Negative Value Returned:
SELECT ( ( IF( `cb_field` = 1, 185, IF( ( 98 * `cb_field` ) > `cb_maxsubs`, `cb_maxsubs`, ( 98 * `cb_field` ) ) ) ) * -1 ) FROM `#__comprofiler` WHERE `id` = '[user_id]'
Simply place in a query field then review a profile to ensure the output is correct. You'd then apply this field as a promotion to adjust the price. Note use the negative or positive return depending on how you intend to use it (negative return should increase the price).
Edit: Forgot to add the maximum amount check.