Don't know what more to tell you. Seams to be working fine for me. Please see below screenshots detailing it working.
Current Values (Value 1 and Value 3):
Tab Conditional:
Conditional Functioning:
New Values Selected (Value 2 and Value 4):
New Values Stored and Displayed:
Do you have any other conditionals on that tab? Maybe conditionals on the field(s) you're changing? Works fine with CB Conditional plugin disabled? Please PM backend super administrator login credentials and will take a look.
Incubator (Professional) plugins change too often to maintain documentation for them. Nick has been doing well pushing tutorials out to show various use cases. We'll be providing documentation for a lot of them after CB 2.0 as a lot of them will become a part of the core CB and will change less often making it easier to maintain up to date documentation. As is I maintain well over 12 projects and that'd mean well over 12 documentations; that's time I don't have, sorry.