Here is the scenrio:
The site is for a professional organization comprised of 85 members. Each year we meet for a conference, but registration is not open to the public. To keep it private, I use the invite plugin to generate the unique code and link to the private guest URL account registration. The invite text contains the specific meeting and registration details, cost, etc.
8 of these members serve on a committee to invite speakers to present at the meeting. I would like just these committee members to have access to another invite system to send to speakers. The speaker plan is a different cost, circumstances, instructions, etc, so the invite text must be different from that of the guests. Additionally, the program committee should be the only ACL with permission to send the speaker invitation.
So I need a invitation for guests (members have permission to send these) and another or speakerz (committee members have permission to send these). Both invites require diferent text, and both subscription plans are private.
Does that help clarify?