CB Auto Actions 6.0.1 is CB 2.0 compatible. It's safe to use. CB Conditional has not been upgraded yet so it may or may not function properly.AgnesB wrote: I uninstalled both plug_cbautoactions_6.0.1+63655d84f and plug_cbconditional_3.0.13+57240dd66. Re-installed CB 2.0.2, and all is back to normal. I recovered full access to the menu profile and other links. I will wait for future information on both plugins before installing them again.
pasquale1980 wrote: In CB 2.0.5 and CB Conditional 4.0.5 setting the condition in the item "Edit Profile" (see screenshot) "No" the field Avatar in edit profile appears the same, so selecting "Yes" or selecting "No "is always displayed, also in the Tab containing the Avatar, it don't work.
Please provide a screenshot of the condition you're trying to apply to the Avatar field. It's likely your condition is always failing or always passing resulting in unexpected display.pasquale1980 wrote: In CB 2.0.5 and CB Conditional 4.0.5 setting the condition in the item "Edit Profile" (see screenshot) "No" the field Avatar in edit profile appears the same, so selecting "Yes" or selecting "No "is always displayed, also in the Tab containing the Avatar, it don't work.