I figured out that the cause of the problem ist not 3rd party plugins but the CB query field plugin. As soon as I disable my custom field that is based on the CB query field plugin the avatar field works as expected.
This is the query I use:
SELECT #__comprofiler.id as schoolid,CONCAT_WS('',(SELECT #__country_info.iso FROM #__country_info,#__comprofiler WHERE schoolid=#__comprofiler.id AND #__country_info.id=#__comprofiler.cb_country),' ',cb_zipcode,' ',cb_city,' | ', cb_school) AS schoolname FROM #__comprofiler WHERE cb_usertype=18 ORDER BY schoolname ASC
(#__country_info is my own custom table)
How can this query screw up the form? What can I do to have both a working avatar field and my custom query?
CB 2.0