Smooth2SITF wrote: You have to understand, when something like this shuts down a site, you go into panic mod trying to get someone to help you. So yes, I was trying everywhere I could to get some help. It took 20 hours before I finally got a response. I ended up having to restore the site to get it back up and running.
Apparently, several people are having this issue so I dont know what to do.
Im using everything the most up-to-date.
Joomla 3.3.6
I was going from 1.9.1 to the new 2.0 and got the same error message as above
Completely shut down my front end, and back end was somewhat working but wold do nothing in CB.
It should my whole site down. I ended up having to restore my site loosing all the updates I did over the last 2 days because my host missed 1 day of back-ups.
I re-tried installing 2.0 about 4 times with the same result before I gave up.
I want to use the new 2.0 but I am scared if I load it again, I will loose more data during a restore.
I sent you a PM with log-in info like you have told the other person.
Ok - you need to understand that after a sleepless Thursday night working on releasing CB 2.0 I was not able to answer on Saturday
-- typically weekends are off-days
Yup I understand your frustration ... continuing this on your already open ticket.