I have the latest CB and Joomla 2.5.x. Just installed CB and everything is smooth except new users logging in. Users are authenticated against the Active Directory using LDAP (JMapMyLDAP). The problem is that when a new user logs in Joomla the user is created, I can see it in the backend. However, CB Login throws an invalid username/password error. I guess they're not synced. If the user tries to log in again, it works but this time they're getting a message that the process is not complete yet (Your sign up process is not yet complete!...).
However, from there on users can login and logout without an issue and no more messages.
I set the login type to include CMS Authentication, turned off all email requirements and removed text from the email body (email was still sent out even if the settings was set to NO). Same settings worked for Jomsocial.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!