My usage makes perfect sense, I would like an open group where public may view video and file content but may not see members. If my usage makes no sense then why are you adding the feature back?
Just because it doesn't make sense to me doesn't mean people don't need it. :laugh: Ideally I'd prefer to wait for CB Privacy rewrite and allow those tabs to be controlled using privacy controls, but that won't be an option for awhile.
Yes I realise that, I was asking more about timing estimates rather than versions.
We don't provide time estimates. I've to finish rewriting CB Activity 4.0.0 before I can start GJ 4.0.0. You can see CB Activity 4.0.0 progress below.
GJ 4.0.0 will also be a major rewrite. It'll be getting a reusable API. This means you won't be limited to just 1 "Community" (it's what the API will be called). You'll be able to have as many as you like with different functionality just like CB Gallery allows unlimited galleries. So it'll take some time to get all of that done.
Best I can suggest for now is to either use Invite groups or modify the below template file.
More specifically copy the default template, rename it to something like mytemplate, delete everything in it except group.php and index.html. Now within GJ > Configuration select your template and save. Now you won't lose any changes to your template on upgrade. Next towards the bottom you'll see the following.
if ( $users ) {
$return .= $tabs->startTab( null, CBTxt::T( 'GROUP_USERS', 'Users' ), 'grouptabusers', array( 'tab' => 'gjTabNavMenu cbTabNavMenu', 'pane' => 'tab-pane gjTabPaneMenu cbTabPaneMenu', 'override' => true ) )
. '<div class="gj_tab_content cb_tab_content cb_tab_menu">'
. $users
. '</div>'
. $tabs->endTab();
That outputs the users tab. You can extend the IF check as follows to limit to to people who are active in the group.
if ( $users && ( $userStatus >= 1 ) ) {