The only issue we have is with privacy. Sometimes we need direct support with an issue we don't necessarily want the public to know about.
Private information can be passed via private messages, but beyond that we do not provide private 1 to 1 support. This is intentional, because we're not some 20 man team that can handle that kind of support workload. We're just 3 people. You can also use the confidential forum tag, but please do not put login credentials in it, which will display only to moderators.
It is also difficult for me to login and check responses to a forum post.
You should be able to subscribe to your topics and you'll be emailed when a reply is made. The subscribe button should be at the top of your topic. If that isn't working for you please let us know.
If there was a way for me to grant other users permission to post regarding our subscription, for example the webmaster, that would be helpful.
For companies I highly recommend creating a company account and subscribing through it then allowing those that need access to have the login credentials for the company account.
It all boils down to just having options other than forums.
We tried a ticketing system and it was impossibly overwhelming. I could never get any coding done and if I can't get any coding done you've no product to use. It just comes down to time basically. Forums aren't ideal I suppose for someone that wants to keep their entire support request private, but it's the best we can offer at this time.