I feel your pain my friend.
So - I assume that you have then also created custom fields and tabs already to hold information about your current users?
ONE thought might be to use phpMyAdmin to export the SQL tables with your users info. jos_comprofiler and jos_users. You could then maybe reinstall CB, recreate your custom fields, and then re-import your SQL tables. I have NO idea if this would work as I am not a SQL expert and cannot tell you if CB would use other tables or if they cross reference other tables causing this to not work. Do you have access to a test site where you could try setting up a CB and importing your exported data before you tried it on your live site?
Of course, before you do ANY of this, I would back up your ENTIRE site, and use phpMyAdmin, to export your ENTIRE current database first in case you need to restore life to it's current state.
ANOTHER NOTE: I am NOT a programmer, I am a designer who through the use of Open Source Software has been forced to learn enough to troubleshoot my own site creations. I say this, because I want you to know that I am NOT an expert. Just a regular guy who like yourself, wishes that things would just WORK.
Of course, your best option may be to pay and become a member of Joomapolis, if you haven't already. Then you could submit a support ticket, and someone from Joomapolis may be able to access your sites admin page and help troubleshoot your issue. Although they DO host this Forum and I'm sure monitor it, my guess is that they rely pretty heavily on the community to offer support here and offer their one on one support to members through their ticketing system. At least I only assume this from my experience with other "Public" forums for Open Source, Non-Commercial components.
Best of luck to you! Let me know if it works out, or if you would like any more of my crazy ideas!