activha wrote: @Kyle : mass import with a dummy plan does not work for users without subscription that we would like to enter into a plan, and it does not work neither for users with our negopme plan that we would put in dummy then back in negopme because the import function states that a subscription already exists
@Nant : I was thinking at url linking in integration and not url protection. And upgrading one by one 500 users is not very funny
You two have any other ideas ?
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nant wrote: By URL integration what do you mean?
Some external action needing to take place?
nant wrote: I was not implying that you do it one by one.
You would need to identify all users and run a script of some kind to initialize users in newly added concepts.
For example, you need to run an SQL script to update the cb field(s) according to your CB field integration concept implemented in the new plan.
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Then to do this you need to first create your new plan. Once done use CBSubs Import from your free plan to the new plan then do it again from NegoPME to the new plan. The import feature will execute integrations. There's not much more to advise as CBSubs doesn't have a mass-upgrade feature and CBSubs import certainly isn't a substitution for one, but it's a possible workaround aside from upgrading users 1 by 1.This seems more difficult. In fact we need 1) to update all free users already registered to a free plan, and all plan NegoPME users to same plan NegoPME but with url integration applied.
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