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[SOLVED] where is email notification set ?

11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #225497 by mothersofboys
[SOLVED] where is email notification set ? was created by mothersofboys
when I get the email that says a new user has regiseterd and the subject is ... "New User Registration" and the content of the email says....

A new user has registered at
This email contains their details

Name - email account03
E-mail -
Username - emailaccount03

-- where is this receiving email address set?

I have changed it in my global configs and in groupjive > notifications > global but the emails are still coming to me... when I have those two places set to go to the actual site owner... (not me)

at least I thought I did but apparently I do not have something right.

Is this something that is set some where to notify all "superusers"? because it is sending the email to an email address that is associated with my superuser account...

Does this mean it's sending an email to all superusers?

These emails pertain to someone joining the site, not joining a group. The emails are notifying about people registering for the site and confirming their registration.

Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by krileon.

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11 years 10 months ago #225502 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic where is email notification set ?
That's the moderator new user registration email. It's sent to all moderators and it's sent to the email address attached to their account. You can change your email address or set your self not to receive moderator emails by editing your user within CB > User Management.

Kyle (Krileon)
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11 years 10 months ago #225518 by mothersofboys
Replied by mothersofboys on topic where is email notification set ?
ok that worked...

now - what about the creation of a new GROUP, not a new user?

I have all my superusers set to receive moderator emails. but now when a new group is created and needs approval ((as all my newly created groups will)) - it still goes to my address (which is assigned to my superuser account) .... why are the other moderator/superusers not getting email notifications too that a new group has been been created and is awaiting approval?

groupjive > notifications > group > defaults -- all set to notify

Where do I set this so that the real site owner will get these "hey, a new group needs your approval" emails and not me?

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11 years 10 months ago #225552 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic where is email notification set ?
GJ notifications are purely based off what notifications you set your user to receive. If their notifications have already been saved then your default value won't do anything as they've already saved a value. You need login with the user, navigate to the category/group you want notifications for, and set your self to be notified for the various notifications.

Kyle (Krileon)
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11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #225558 by mothersofboys
Replied by mothersofboys on topic where is email notification set ?
I should have noted that I had signed on as the group "owner" and had/have all my notifications set for all new user joins and leaves and groups/sub group creations to send me an email. Some groups are sending emails of user join requests, and some groups are not. So I thought it was a more "global" setting.

I've got it locked down where new categories cannot be created. But new groups within the 7 main cats can. It's my LR email that is receiving notification of these group creations. But the groups were actually created before I came on board with the project so I am not sure how/where it has been set that my email address is receiving the notifications. There are 5 other super users too. But they are not receiving the group created notify emails - just me.

For example - I have 7 categories like "sewing", "knitting", "weaving", etc... These 7 categories were created before I came on board to build/configure CB and GJ -- so I did not create the categories. I created several sub-groups in those categories with test user accounts (like "tester" and "emailaccount01" etc...) and some with my superuser LR account (which has my email address attached to it)

when someone creates a group within "weaving" - like say "underwater weavers" -- my account gets the email stating a new group has been made and needs approval. (that's the email address assigned to my super user account).

I need this kind of notification of new group creation to now go to site owner - "" ...
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by mothersofboys.

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  • krileon
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11 years 10 months ago #225563 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic where is email notification set ?
Notifications are category by category and group by group. They are not global. The only global notifications available are under the General notifications tab.

I need this kind of notification of new group creation to now go to site owner - "" ...

The owner of the site needs to have an account then. They then need to set their account to receive notifications.

Kyle (Krileon)
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