thanks for the reply...
I have all my superusers set to receive Moderator emails with CB > Configuration > Moderation.
I have also set all my superusers (test accounts) to be notified of all groups creations, user joins, and user leaves in the "group by group" way as you have described. I am not allowing any category creation at all.
However, *my* superuser account is getting the email, not ALL the test superuser accounts I have created and configured to receive notification for each group.
So I have a superuser account
this account has been configured to receive moderator emails. When a new user registers and confirms, is receiving notification of that.
emailaccount01 has also gone into each of my 7 categories and all the groups within those categories and selected "notify" for group user joins, new group creation, group user leaves.
emailaccout01 is NOT getting email of users joining and leaving or new group creation. but my superuser - IS getting the notification.
so something appears to not be working right. emailaccount01 should also be getting notification of people joining, leaving and making new groups that need to be approved.
No UddeIM installed.
am I totally missing something here?