They are both on their own line and just to make sure, I added an empty line between the two... Only the first query is being executed.
For a moment I wondered if there wouldn't be a problem with the where clause and my [username] field, but I created the "family 3" subscription (1 main account + 2 sub-accounts), so when unsusbscribing from this one I have one additional query, like this:
UPDATE `#__users` SET `block` = 1 WHERE `username` = '[cb_family1user]';
UPDATE `#__users` SET `block` = 1 WHERE `username` = '[cb_family2user]';
UPDATE `#__users` SET `block` = 1 WHERE `username` = '[username]';
I know both [cb_family1user] and [cb_family2user] are properly populated (plus, if they were not, the accounts wouldn't have been created anyway...) yet only the 1st query works.
Any idea why?
Edit: forget the last part of my answer... I apparently had set the query for family2user only for expiration, not for deactivation. I'll test and see if it's being executed, if yes then it means the problem lies only with the main account's query.