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dillydally wrote: still not one email and yes I did check spam/junk
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dillydally wrote: doesn't matter which field as even if I disable the field it just chooses another field. I;ll try again to insert the example.
I have attempted again this morning and if I register as Employee/Self-Employed/ I have problems with a sand coloured banner stating 'field required'. So the fields that are additional and conditional for this are : Company Name, Business Sector, Business description.
However, if I register any of the others it allows me to register but comes up with this text:
Warning: is_readable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/dev/urandom) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/networke:<span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>lib/php:<span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>bin:<span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>php4/lib/php:<span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>local/lib/php:<span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>local/php4/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/networke/public_html/libraries/phpass/PasswordHash.php on line 51
How you managed to register beyond these issues is a mystery to me.
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