The CB Facebook Connect 3.0 and CB Twitter Connect 3.0 plugins have just been released as free upgrades for all Advanced, Professional and Developer members.
Both can be downloaded from the: Advanced Download area.
Recently Twitter has changed their integration protocol breaking all previous integration plugins.
The new releases are now significantly faster (quicker page loading) and now have less conflicts with other social scripts that may be also present on your website. Kyle has rewrittent both CB Twitter and CB Facebook connect plugins to use their own internal javascript libraries.
Open your website to millions of users with CB Facebook and Twitter Connect that enable your users to register and/or login on your website using their Facebook or Twitter credentials. If you are a Professional or Developer member you should use CB Connect 4.0 instead as it supports more social networks and also supports (Facebook and Twitter) social applications.
Upgrading is a simple install over existing previous versions. No changes need to be made on the Facebook or Twitter application side. Documentation has also been updated.
And as with all our CB plugins, these work natively on all versions of Joomla - even the latest Joomla 3.1 beta 1 !
Community Builder 1.9 is required for both plugins.
CB Connect 4.0 has just been released!
The already extremely powerful social networking integration plugin for Community Builder has been completely rewritten with faster page loading, new responsive layouts, improved registration workflows and better compatibility with third-party social networking scripts.
All core CB Connect features are supported including latest integration (login, field data syncing and 12 social apps) with:
- Google+
- Windows live
CB Connect 4.0 is a recommended upgrade.
Twitter has changed its protocols, thus breaking previous versions of CB Connect. The improved compatibility and non-conflicting nature of CB Connect 4.0 are also strong reasons to upgrade.
Kyle has already posted a detailed forum entry about this new release and major changes
The Joomla project has just released Joomla CMS 3.1 beta 1 and will be releasing Joomla 3.1 stable in a couple of weeks (March 25th, 2013).
There are 5 new features in Joomla 3.1. The most prominent one is the new Tags functionality for Joomla content elements. This new feature lets you tag (mark) any content element (article, contact, etc.) and later on search for all elements of a specific tag.
The CB Team has also contributed a small new feature by adding missing triggers to the com_config component - every little contribution helps make our Joomla CMS even better.
Everyone can help, you can also:
The Joomla community is hosting a Pizza, Bugs and Fun global event this upcoming Saturday, March 16th, 2013. This is a great opportunity to help make your Joomla better and in the process to learn how to test and report and you will certainly make many cool new friends in the process. And if you are in Boston, the pizza is on us !
We have been testing Joomla 3.1 beta 1 with Community Builder, GroupJive, CB Activity, CBSubs, our 3 Joomla/CB templates and all our 100+ add-ons and we have not found a single issue!
This is great news as it means that all our products can work on all Joomla versions!
CB GroupJive 2.7 is here with 15 new features ready to empower your members to create their own mini-communities on your Joomla 3.0, 2.5, 1.5 website !
Your users will love the freedom to create and organize their very own communities and you will see an increase in participation and site membership growth.
GroupJive groups can be configured as open (anyone can join), approval needed (each join application must be approved by group moderators) or by invitation (existing group members must invite new group members to join).
Each group has its own wall, photo, file, video and event areas and even its own private discussion group (with built-in Kunena forum integration). Take a look at our GroupJive presentation workflow and visualize this functionality on your website.
The CB GroupJive 2.7 changelog has 15 new features and many bug fixes. New feature highlights include:
- Usability and presentation improvements (new bootstrap markup, visual improvements for group states and button clicking)
- New, completely redesigned module
- New notifications (new group and category approvals)
- Batch users to groups functionality and bad words filter
- Integration improvements (CBSubs triggers, Kunena and Joomla content bot)
All Advanced, Professional and Developer members can now download CB GroupJive 2.7 from the Advanced download area and install it on your website!
We are proud and excited to release CB GroupJive 2.6 with the new built-in bootstrap template that gives it a fantastic clean look. Your members will enjoy creating their own mini-communiities on your website.
Take a look at our GroupJive Presentation Workflow page and visualize what GroupJive can bring to your website, then download from the Advanced download area as an Advanced, Professional and Developer member.
Each group can be configured with its own wall, photo gallery, video gallery, file sharing and events scheduling areas. GroupJive also has built-in integration for Kunena forum and uddeIM private messaging extensions. This way your groups get messaging functionality and also private discussion forums!
GroupJive 2.6 works great with all versions of Joomla - including the latest Joomla 3.0.2 release!
GroupJive also has built-in integration with the CB Activity stream. Your members will love seeing their group interactions shared on your website activity streams.
This incredibly flexible plugin will open many possibilities for your membership website as it can be configured to support many different use cases.
- CB 1.9 released for Joomla 3.0
- CBSubs 2.0.2 and Developer API access released!
- Community Builder 1.8.1 Released!
- Joomla 2.5.5 released but not recommended
- New CB Core Fields Ajax plugin released!
- CB Blogs 3.0 Released!
- CB Facebook Connect 1.9 and Twitter Connect 1.4 Released
- CB Invites plugin 2.0 released!
- CB Ajax Points Field 1.0 Released!
- CB Core Redirect Joomla plugin 1.0 released!