CB Connect 3.0.2 is now available with great features and functionality that will interconnect your Community Builder website with the following major social networking platforms:
- Google +
- WIndows Live
There are literally hundreds of built-in social networking features that you can configure on your website. These features are described in detail on the CB Connect page and there is also a 3 minute video you can watch. To summarize with the CB Connect plugin you can:
- allow millions of users world-wide to join your Joomla Community Builder website using their (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin or Windows Live) credentials
- map social networking fields to CB fields (e.g., you can map the Twitter Friends Count field to a CB integer field or the Linkedin Headline field to a CB text field)
- integrate Facebook Social Plugins (7), Twitter Widgets (3), Linkedin Plugins (1) and Google plugins (2) as CB fields and use them on your CB profiles (e.g., place a Google +1 button as a CB field on your profiles)
- place users in specific Joomla ACL groups based on their sign-up method (e.g., users that registered using Facebook credentials can be placed in a new Joomla ACL Facebook-Registered ACL group)
Here are some screenshots illustrating the power and rich functionality that this single Incubator add-on can bring to your website. This is just one of the 31+ powerful add-ons you can get as a Professional or Developer member on Joomlapolis.
Community Builder 1.8 RC2 and CB GroupJive 2.5 RC2 are now available for download by all Professional and Developer members.
CB 1.8 RC2 is a follow-up release to the previous CB 1.8 RC package and can be downloaded from the Professional download area.
CB GroupJive 2.5 RC2 is also a follow-up release to the previous CB GroupJive 2.5 RC package and can also be downloaded from the Professional download area.
Community Builder 1.8 RC is available and can be downloaded from the Professional Download area by all Professional and Developer members.
CB 1.8 RC has been tested on all Joomla versions (and Mambo), including latest Joomla 2.5.1 (recently released)!
All identified bugs have been fixed and Joomla 2.5 ACL user groups, Permissions for management and View Access Levels are now supported.
CB 1.8 RC is currently powering our Joomlapolis website without any issues and has been tested on many live sites by our test team and by our Developer members.
The goal is to release CB 1.8 stable version before Joomla 1.7 end of life date.
See discussion below for release notes and changelog.
Version 1.4 of the CB Ajax Text field plugin is now available as a free update for all Advanced, Professional and Developer members.
This new version fixes all identified bugs.
This CB plugin works on all Joomla CMS environments.
Download CB Ajax Text field plugin 1.4 from the Advanced Download area.
Version 1.5 of the CB Ajax File field plugin is now available as a free update for all Advanced, Professional and Developer members.
This new version fixes all identified bugs and also now has a secure download feature.
This CB plugin works on all Joomla CMS environments.
Download CB Ajax File field plugin 1.5 from the Advanced Download area.
- CB GroupJive 2.5 RC released!
- Community Builder 1.8 b1 and CBSubs 1.3 b1 released!
- CB GroupJive 2.5 b1 released for Developer members!
- CB Facebook Connect 1.8 and CB Connect 2.0.1 Released!
- CB Facebook Connect 1.7 and Twitter Connect 1.3 Released
- CB Facebook Connect 1.6 Released
- CB Connect 2.0 Released!
- CB Auto Actions 2.0 Released!
- CB Blogs 2.1 Released!
- CB DB Lookup Field plugin 1.0 Released