Version 1.2 of the Incubator add-on CB Profile Update Logger plugin has just been released and is available for download by all Professional members.
The CB Profile Update Logger will keep a log of each user profile modification and store it in it's own database table. CB Moderators and super administrators can view each user's current log by visiting the user profile and selecting the Update Log tab. CB Moderators can also receive notification messages when a user profile is updated. All events are logged: frontend or backend modifications, user initiated or CB moderator changed.
This is a CB plugin that needs to be installed using the CB Plugin manager and configured by paramaters available in the plugin area and the tab area.
Version 1.4 of the CB Content module has just been released and is available for download by all Advanced and Professional members.
The new release addresses some parameter saving issues that were reported and works on Joomla 1.7, 1.6, 1.5 and 1.0 environments.
The CB Content module is an HTML coding module (like the built-in Joomla Custom HTML module) that also supports CSS script, Javascript, and jQuery code pushing to page header (separate parameters)
Each parameter field area: Text for HTML code, CSS for css code, Javascript for js code and jQuery for jQuery code, supports CB field substitutions. This combination allows you to create personalized messages depending upon the CB member viewing the page!
A simple example is illustrated in the article image (just click to enlarge) where we see the CB field rich html code in the text parameter and the CSS code in the CSS parameter.
A more complex example can be seen on our GroupJive page where we see the Get it Now! button changing targets based on the viewer. If the viewer is an Advanced or Professional member, then the button takes goes directly to the download area for the latest GroupJive package. If the viewer does not have such a subscription, then the button will link to CBSubs subscription plans needed to get GroupJive. This was done using a CB Content module instance and [cb:if] statement substitutions.
The CB Auto Actions 1.0.2 release is a new Incubator project that has consolidated many existing projects into one interface and added additional functionality in the process.
This CB plugin is available to all Professional members and it can be used to automaticaly perform user configured actions upon specific event triggers in Community Builder. Each event trigger action can have a user id exclusion list for user ids that need to be excluded from auto-action activities.
The action types supported include:
- AlphaUserPoints
Manager AlphaUserPoints (add, subtract, etc.) based on specific CB events (example: give user 10 points upon new connection request) - Code
Execute specific code via URL call based on CB event. Pass variables via POST or GET methods. - Email
Send customizable email messages based on CB events. Example: notify moderators when a specific CB field is modified. - Field
Manipulate a CB field value upon CB event action. Example: increase the value of a CB field by one everytime a user updates his password. - Flyspray
Perform action in FlySpray database upon CB event. Can be used to synchronize credentials between CB and FlySpray. - GroupJive 2.x
Perform GroupJive specific actions upon CB event. Can be used to automatically add a new Group or Gategory based on a CB action. - Kunena 1.7
Kunena 1.7 actions based on CB event. - Private Message
Send private message when a CB event takes place. - Query
Perform database sql queries based on CB events. - Redirect
Redirect users based on CB events. - VirtueMart 1.x
Integrate with VirtueMart 1.x.
Create as many auto-actions as you want (no limits) and also set unlimited (just click the + button to add more) conditions that must be satisfied before action is performed.
This is a very powerful tool that can be used to support many different use case specific workflows.
The CB Profile Update Logger reaches stability and version 1.0 has just been released!
This CB Plugin logs all member profile changes made on your website. Changes are recorded in a new database table created by the plugin and notification emails are automatically sent to CB Moderators.
Main features include:
- Logs CB user profile changes in database
- All CB field changes logged
- Email notifications sent to CB moderators with details of changes made
- ID and IP of requester logged
- Date and Time stamp logged
- Before and after value logged
- Frontend and backend updates are logged
- Change log is presented in a new tab in each profile (viewable only to CB Moderators)
Many more features are already in the works for next version but database structure will remain stable.
This add-on is available from the Incubator to all Professional members.
GroupJive 2.4 has just been released with a new look and feel and more powerful user group management functionality.
This must have addition lets your members create their own groups, invite others to join these groups and your website, share photos, videos and files, post on group wall, schedule events with Google map address integration, receive notifications (integration with uddeIM and emails) and even have their own forum group area for discussions (integration with Kunena).
It can also be configured to automatically add members to specific groups (during registration or later). And it can be localized to different languages as it is supported by its own language plugin (English plugin included in package).
Version 2.4 has many new features and fixes all identified issues! GroupJive 2.4 requires CB 1.7 and as with all CB Team releases, it works natively on all Joomla versions (1.7.x, 1.6, 1.5). It is available for download for all Advanced and Professional members.
Front-end user interface for group members has been further improved since GroupJive 2.4 RC releases. This is a highly recommended upgrade for all previous GroupJive releases, including 2.4 RC and RC2 releases.
Main new highlighted features include:
- Impoved users experience
- Significant performance improvement
- New icons in backend and frontend
- Google maps added to locate GroupJive Events
- New calendar date & time support added to GJ Events
- Photo light-box display of images in shared galleries
- New GroupJive Auto-integrations with many new features, e.g.: Automatic Category creation and Group creation inside new category, Auto joining if created group exists and many more.
- Unlimited nested categories and groups
- New administration user interface for easier navigation
- Added support for configuring category, group, and integration parameter defaults
- Extended Kunena integration to add back links directly in kunena to return to groups or categories when viewing group or category forums
- New administrator tools implemented
- Option to keep user data when user leaves group
There is a dedicated website area for GroupJive and also a forum category for discussions.
GroupJive 2.4 is available for all Professional members and Advanced members who can download GroupJive here.
- CB Connect 1.1 Released!
- CB GroupJive 2.4 RC2 Released!
- CB Facebook Connect 1.5 and Twitter Connect 1.2 Released
- CB Connect 1.0.8 Released!
- CB GroupJive 2.4 RC Released!
- CB 1.7 released!
- CBSubs 1.2.2 Released!
- CB 1.7 RC released to Professional Members
- CBSubs 1.2.1 Released!
- CB Connect 1.0.7 Released!