I turned the Joomla Error Reporting to Max.
The problem is: If someone click on Forgot Login, and tried the following:
Case 1:
Lost Password: then the user enter his username and password and then the security code, once he hits (Send username/password) Button, the page goes back to the home page and there is no error message: the the user never gets any email that has the password, in the inbox, junckmail, spam mail, trash mail .... etc.
So the email is never been sent in the first place.
Case 2:
if someone select forgot usename and forgot password, then enter his email and the security code, an try to hit the (Send Username/password) button, the Button become un clickable, it means you click but nothing happen, in another word button does not click.
I tried to search in the forum, Google and your documents but I was not able to find a problem like this.
Please help.